Carmelina Parello - CV

Artistic training

  • From 1997 to 2001 she attended the art school at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, studying under the guidance of Prof. Sabina Capraro and Prof. Bruno Gandola (for the fresco course), receiving at the end of 4 years a qualifying certificate;
  • She frequents the atelier of the artist Fernando Carcupino who influences her artistically;
  • In 2006 she attended the nude course at the Brera Academy.


Participation in collective exhibitions:

  • 2024 "Humanity" (International Exhibition) - Florence, Bellini Museum
  • 2023 XIV Florence Biennale 2023 - Florence
  • 2023 "Art in mask"(International Exhibition) - Venice
  • 2022 "Italian Artist Award 2022" - Rome
  • 2022 "I Love Italy Spain" – Barcelona
  • 2019 "Creativity and imagination" - Zelo Buon Persico (LO)
  • 2014 "Zelo In Arte" - Zelo Buon Persico (LO)
  • 2011 "Arte Priz" Competition - Venice
  • 2007 "The apple" - Cascina Roma – San Donato Milanese (MI)
  • 2006 "Art in showcase" - San Donato Milanese
  • 2003 "ZEUS" - Agrigento (AG)
  • 2001 "Author's Forgeries and Free Interpretations - Cascina Roma" - San Donato Milanese (MI)
  • 2000 Collective exhibition art gallery Chiasso - Switzerland
  • 1999/'00 "Spring Exhibition" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1999/'00 "Small Painting" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1999 Elements and Minds ASDA Cascina Roma - San Donato Milanese
  • 1998 Exhibition of engravings at the Brera botanical garden - Milan
  • 1998 "Spring Exhibition" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1998 "Piccolo Quadro" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1998 Itineraries of Color - Cascina Rome - San Donato Milanese (MI)
  • 1996/2011 Annual exhibition "La Primavera" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1996/2011 Annual exhibition "Piccolo Quadro" Gelmi Art Gallery - Sesto San Giovanni
  • 1996 "Young Artists" Exhibition - Province of Agrigento
  • 1996 1st prize "Woman in Art and Culture" (500,000 lire study prize) - Favara
  • 1995 extemporaneous painting "Chess Tournament" at Gelso Bianco – Catania
  • 1995 collective "Proloco Arte" – Ribera (AG)
  • 1995 Extemporaneous "Equality Week" – Agrigento
  • 1994/'95 Exhibition of Sacred Art on the occasion of Good Friday - Favara
  • 1993 Exhibition - impromptu - Taormina
  • 1992 Extemporaneous painting for charity – Favara